Oak Creek Pet Hospital
6612 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
ph: (949) 535-1611
fax: (949) 535-1488
To keep our pets healthy and prevent them from getting illness, we recommend regular physical examination, vaccination, fecal examination, heart worm test and preventive, flea and tick preventive, annual health check blood test, urine test and regular dental cleaning.
Bring your pet for a physical examination at least twice a year. We check eye, ear, nose, teeth, skin, heart, lung, abdominal palpation, rectal examination, neurological evaluation, musculoskeletal evaluation, weight and nutrition.
We may detect diseases early and prevent them from getting worse with regular physical examination. If you notice anything unusual about your pets, bring them to see a veterinarian without delay. They maybe early signs of a serious illness.
Vaccines prevent our pets from getting serious infectious diseases.
Feline infectious peritonitis
Common diagnostic tests routinely performed:
1 Fecal examination to detect internal parasites.
2 Heart worm test to detect heart worm disease.
3 Felv/FIV test for cats to detect feline leukemia virus and feline AIDS.
3 Tonometry to check eye pressure for glaucoma.
4 Schirmer's test to assess tear production and detect eye dryness.
5 Skin scraping to check for external parasite.
6 DTM fungal culture to check for ring worm.
7 Ear swab and culture for ear infection.
8 Electrocardiogram to detect heart disease.
9 Urine test to detect infection, diabetes and neoplasia.
There are more diagnostic tests.
Regularly brushing your pet's teeth would prevent them from peridontal disease and infection.
We reccommend a dental deep cleaning with a ultrasound scaler once a year and as needed.
We recommend preventive X ray once a year especially for older pets.
We check pets for heart, lung, abdomen, and skeletal abnormalities with Digital X ray. We have results almost instantly.
We recommend blood test at least once a year and before anesthesia.
1 Hematology for blood cell counts.
2 Chemistry for internal organ functions.
We use a full spectrum of IDEXX diagnostic tests in house. We have results in 20 minutes.
We may diagnose illness and start treatments for your pet while you are still in the hospital.
We recommend proheart injection or oral Sentinel tablets.
Some pets or breeds may have allergy to these medications. Consultation with a veterinarian is necessary before application.
We recommend Frontline Plus topical application, NexGard (flea and tick) or Sentinel oral tablets.
Some pets may have allergic reaction to one of these medications. Watch your pet closely after application of flea preventive. Bring your pet to see us right away if you notice scratching, biting, lethargic or vomitting.
Copyright 2023 Oak Creek Pet Hospital. All rights reserved.
Oak Creek Pet Hospital
6612 Irvine Center Drive
Irvine, CA 92618
ph: (949) 535-1611
fax: (949) 535-1488